
community ∙ safety ∙ improvement

Community Bike Racks

One of our first projects is the installation of bike racks throughout Eaton, Ohio and then throughout the county. The chief goal with this project is to Increase the number of bicycle parking options at popular destinations throughout the community and thus increasing bicycle usage. One of the chief complaints from cyclists is that their is no safe place to park and secure bicycles when making trips to local businesses and we hope help rectify this. We would like to see attractive and highly functional bike racks in front of our schools, libraries, restaurants, the courthouse and shopping areas.

Free Helmet + Safety Programs

In 2016 Preble Trails started provided helmets to all second grade students in Eaton Community Schools with the help from a grant award by the Ohio Pediatric Association. Our program also provides an educational program and lesson plans on safe cycling practices and hand signals. After additional fundraising in 2019 we were able to expand our Free Helmet Program to all second grade students in Preble County Public School Districts.

Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, community leaders and local, state, and federal governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school.

SRTS programs examine conditions around schools and conduct projects and activities that work to improve safety and accessibility, and reduce traffic and air pollution in the vicinity of schools. As a result, these programs help make bicycling and walking to school safer and more appealing transportation choices thus encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age. A grant has be awarded to help fund the project and Eaton Public schools are working with the City of Eaton to implement the Safe Routes to School recommendations. Work is estimated to being in 2021.

Preble County Bike Routes

In 2018 Preble Trails helped a local student, Brad Sorrell, with his eagle scout badge. His project was to make online accessible Bike Route Maps that were safe options for traveling around Preble Counties communities. Brad, his friends, family, fellow scouts, and a few Preble Trails members test road the routes and Brad compiles the routes into maps. Try them for yourself and enjoy the view!

US Bike Route 50, Ohio

U.S. Bicycle Route 50 (USBR 50) is a west–east U.S. Bicycle Route currently in two sections: a western section from San Francisco to Border, Utah, and an eastern section from just outside Terre Haute, Indiana, to Washington, D.C. The route is ultimately planned to span the country, connecting the two sections. USBR 50 will be part of a national network of bicycle routes running from California to Washington D.C. , linking urban, suburban, and rural areas using a variety of existing cycling facilities

Preble County is very lucky as Route 50 runs through the county linking Wayne County's Cardinal Greenway to the Miami Valley bike trail system. This route will bring commerce and tourism to our area and allow us to show off our beautiful county. This is a roadway bike route, no new construction will be done to create Route 50 in Preble County and signage has been installed marking the route. Preble Trails member provide feedback on the route through the county, recommend safe travel options. Learn more: National Corridor Plan